Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mutt Strut

We woke up bright and early this morning to meet Shannon and Lucy in Lombard for the Mutt Strut, which is a 5K walk/run with dogs. Unfortunately, we couldn't bring Payton with us because he can be a little unruly, and too much stress on his hips can make him miserable for the rest of the day. Congrats to Finn, Lucy and Dan on their first official 5K! We all finished in just over an hour :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers' Day

We had a great day today for Mothers' Day. Finn was kind enough to sleep in and then he and his dad showered me with presents this morning. My mom, Christine and Kurt came to visit, and then we relaxed while Finn napped, and then it was off to Mimi and Papa's. Mimi and Papa took a trip to the toy store this weekend and bought a bunch of fun new outdoor toys. All the kids had fun playing...even us big kids!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Big Waste!

Well, another one of my bright ideas turned out to be a huge BUST. We went with the Biedermans to see Sesame Street Live. Finn enjoyed it for about the first 10 minutes. He spent much of the rest of the show outside the theater playing on the handicap ramp, which he thoroughly enjoyed. I'd also like to thank our friends at Sesame Street Live for selling the $10 balloons during intermission. That kept Finn and Molly busy during 5 minutes of intermission... before everyone was asked to keep the balloons under their seats! Well, lesson learned, and sorry, baby #2, you'll have to enjoy Sesame Street from the comfort of our family room.

Best Buds

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Son, The Athlete

Today was the perfect day to be outside playing sports. We had a little of, soccer and basketball. Finn did a great job hitting the ball off the tee. Much better than I can do, which is not saying much, but come on, he is only one! Payton is extremely exhausted from chasing all the wiffle balls, which now all have teeth marks and dents in them! Keeping a ball away from Payton is like keeping a beer away from Dan!