Saturday, October 31, 2009

Daddy's Halloween "Boo Boo"

Not too much excitement for the kids on this Halloween night. Dan created his own excitement with a trip to the emergency room. I had just taken Finn trick or treating (which he LOVED), and my mom, Christine, Kurt, Megan, Molly, Bob and Donna had just come over for pizza. We had the gates up in the family room to keep Payton from scaring trick or treaters at the front door. Dan went upstairs to change Patrick's diaper, and when he came back downstairs, he didn't quite make it over the gate and fell with Patrick. Patrick was completely fine, but Dan found his knee cap on the side of his knee. After screaming in pain for what seemed like an eternity, he was able to move his knee cap back into place. Thank goodness we had so many people over (especially our brand new nurse practioner, Megan!) because Bob and Donna took Dan to the hospital to get checked out. He's pretty swollen and sore, but doing ok. He'll follow up with our family doctor next week. Never a dull moment around here! I did manage to get a few cute pictures of the kids in their costumes before he took his spill!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Lots to Blog About!

Today was quite and eventful day. First, I have to wish our first born, Payton, a happy 5th birthday. We got him a new toy and a busy bone, and I did not even yell at him when I returned home from the mall to find that he had gotten into the garbage can. The rest of the day was filled with Halloween fun. I tormented Patrick by making him wear his costume just long enough for me to get a few pictures. After that, we went over to Finn's school for his Halloween parade and party. He was very excited about all the goodies he collected. And, finally, we finished the night off with some pumpkin carving. Looking forward to trick or treating tomorrow!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Megan and I took a trip downtown today with the babies to meet Mary Jean Sullivan Shaefers. She is absolutely perfect. It was so great to see Colleen and the new baby we have been so anxiously awaiting. And, yes, we did enjoy an ice cold one in the middle of the afternoon. Can't wait til girls' night out so we can have a few more of those!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

More Pictures from Bday Party

Patrick's First Family Party

On Saturday night, Patrick got to attend his Zangh family party. It was a birthday party for Nick, turning 16, and Lance, turning 9. Patrick got passed around all night, giving mom a break, and Finn had a great time playing with all his cousins. Finn even got to go home with some cool party favors (see last picture). Meanwhile, Dan enjoyed having the house all to himself to watch the Iowa game. I got home just in time to see a very drunk Dan almost have a heart attack as the Hawks won with only 2 seconds left on the clock. GO HAWKEYES!!!

Trick or Treat at Blackberry Farm

On Saturday morning, Dan and Trent took Molly and Finn on a trick or treat walk at Blackberry Farm. They didn't last very long because Finn refused to wear a coat. He didn't want to cover up his awesome White Sox costume.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Banana Bread

I was all dressed and ready to go to the gym tonight but then decided that I was sick of looking at the over ripe bananas on the counter. So I made banana bread instead, with a little help from Chef Finn.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dress Up

I may never have a daughter to play dress up, but Finn sure does love to run around in Mommy's shoes.

Happy 21st, Kurt!

Hope you had a great 21st birthday, Kurt!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Diet Update

I haven't had a diet update in a while, so I figure I better post something before it looks like we have given up. We were having some trouble with our old digital scale. We couldn't get a consistent reading. I went out and bought an old fashioned one, so I guess we'll go with that number. But now I am just not sure what our true starting weight was. This is what we are estimating:

Karen - 14 pounds
Dan - 8 pounds

I am happy to report that I have packed away my maternity wardrobe and am slowly starting to fit into some normal clothes. Dan and I are also doing our very best to exercise somewhere around 3 times a week. Dan continues to use the eliptical and I have started running. Two kids has kept us pretty busy, so we need to work out a routine and also do a better job of making healthy dinners. Only about 3 weeks until I am back at work, so maybe that will bring some structure to our lives!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Matching Jammies

Thanks to the Kuttner family for the matching jammies!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Picking Out Some Pumpkins

This morning we took a drive to the heart of Aurora (aka the ghetto) and picked out some pumpkins. Finn was mostly interested in pulling the wagon and only HIS pumpkin was allowed in HIS wagon. He did help pick out a pumpkin for Patrick and Payton...their pumpkins just had to ride in a different wagon.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Big Boy

Finn went pee pee in the potty tonight! Turns out he prefers the standing up method. Might get a little messy, but I'll take it! We are so proud of him. He is pretty darn proud of himself too.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Proud Big Brother

Patrick will be four weeks old tomorrow. Everyday for the past 27 days, I have asked Finn if he wanted to hold his baby brother, and everyday up until yesterday he has said no. So you can imagine my surprise and how quickly I jumped up to grab my camera when he actually said "yes." And then today, he even asked if he could hold him. I think these boys are going to be best buds. least for now.

Friday, October 2, 2009

New PJ's

Finn would like to thank his Mimi and Papa for the awesome new Sponge Bob jammies. There's nothing quite like a new pair of PJ's.